Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Egyptian intifada

Last days I have spent watching carefully what is going on in Egypt, it is important to me for several reasons: though I am not an Egyptian myself, I can say I love this country, but putting personal reasons aside: Egypt is a big and important country and taking down the dictator and introducing democracy in there will, probably, be a turning point for all Middle East and maybe even for a wider area. this is evident from reaction of leaders of neighbouring countries, like Israel or Saudi Arabia which supported dictator Mubarak and Israel is called a democratic country! What a mockery.
Democracy means that all of the citizens have their say in a country, this is not the case in Israel, Saudi Arabia or any of the Middle Easy countries, where tens of millions people every day are oppressed, but they also mostly live in extreme poverty.

I really hope that Egyptians will succeed in introducing democracy, for their sake and for the sake of freedom in the world. This would be an evident proof that reasons for which Western countries support tyrants like Mubarak are just a lie, nothing else but this!

We, in Europe and USA are being told constantly that only those dictators can guarantee a stability in those countries, which extremely peculiar point of view, as it assumes that Arab people are not able to make reasonable decisions! It is racism, called by professor Edward Said "orientalism", the view widely spread throughout western media and, I'm guessing among our so called "elites".

Egypt's protest shows clearly that Arabs are capable of peaceful protesting and non-violent demanding their natural and basic rights!

I hope that Egypt and other countries in region will manage soon to abolish their oppressing leaders and send them to their supporters in Washington D.C. and London.