Monday, 3 January 2011

The very basic assumption of most modern political systems is that governments represent their electors. This is not true.
Moreover, they not only do not represent the majority who gave them power, their actions more and more often actually work against the best benefit of their nations. Our, democratically chosen governments betrayed us and they keep doing this, they keep lying to us on a daily basis.
If they don't represent me, someone may ask, whom do they represent then? I will answer this with a short story: as a young boy I read lots of stories about Sherlock Holmes, by sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This brilliant detective kept saying: if don't know who the criminal is, look for a motive, this will show you inevitably a perpetrator. I strongly believe this rule of thumb applies here as well. My dear reader, think for few minutes: who is constantly gaining, whose power and wealth increase.

Still not sure? OK, I will tell you.

Those of the shareholders of the global corporations.

Let me put that plain: I do believe and I have good reasons for this that our governments represent nowadays global corporations, which seriously affect the living of the people all over the world.
USA is still the most powerful country in the world, people living there, still enjoy quite often a good living, however both common opinion and statistic say that the life of an average citizen of USA lost on quality during last thirty years, things get more expensive, bills consume bigger and bigger chunks of our salaries, more and more of us lose our jobs, education gets more expensive, so does health care ( I luckily live in the country where this one is free, which is told something bad, as American capitalists keep claiming.... hmm... from my point of view, free health care gives me a lot of benefits, and I'm willing to pay for that). Those processes are very slow, however they take place in USA, in Europe and everywhere else. On the other hand those huge, powerful companies usually increase their profit year by year, like British Tesco, last financial year they had nearly £3 billions of pure profit. Can you even imagine so much money? But those profits happen on someone expanse, and this someone is YOU!!! Whoever you are, and wherever you live, you, my dear reader pay for those ever increasing profits.

Governments and the rich work most of time hand in hand, as in most of the cases members of the governments are those lucky ones who are at the same time part of those very small (comparing to the rest) group of the privileged.

We, the people (sounds a bit odd, doesn't it?) have to understand: THEY - the governments do not represent us any more. We, the people have lost the power, we have lost influence over our lives, over fates of our children, because there is someone else who make decisions, someone who does not care if you have enough money to pay your bill, to pay off your mortgage, to pay for your children education. You don't even know this people, they don't hang around your neighbourhood, even your presence in their neighbourhood would be consider an insult, and you can be sure that a police officer would ask you what on earth are you doing there? You don't even exist for those people. You are the number. Same as the profit. Ooops, sorry, I really forgot, I am talking now about the most important value of our times, and I should do so with greater respect: THE PROFIT.

You, whoever you are and wherever you live have to understand, they will sacrifice you and your family and all of your friends in the name of financial profit. You are not important any more. You are nothing, so am I, of course.

And, no, I don't agree with this, I don't want the world to bow in front the golden calf. Do you remember this story? And, yes, this is a sin, making money more important than a human being is unforgivable sin. It is a sin against humanity and against God. It is also a crime, and it leads to crimes.

Any man, even poor, uneducated, in rags is more important than all of the money of the world. You, my dear reader, are more important than all the money of the world!

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