Saturday, 12 February 2011

Did Kissinger influence Egyptian revolution?

President Obama said: "the people of Egypt have spoken.....", they indeed have, they have spoken with the power that smoulders in every big group of the people, the power that can overthrow ANY regime. They have showed how powerful people can be, and it looks the world needed this reminder, as our so called representatives forget very quickly who they represent.
Nearly 40 years ago another important American official said something else, something probably much more close to real Western point of view. This man was Henry Kissinger, very powerful and very influential man, even though he does not hold any official position any more. What Henry Kissinger said was: "The Arabs had been weak; now they were strong." (1) That was any answer for the question why did not USA support any sort of concession from the Israel side after 1967 war, in short: USA do not talk to the weak. And exactly the same president Obama showed during last 3 weeks, neither him, nor his administration was thrilled when first demonstration took place in Tahrir Square, i am sure you still remember this, don't you? USA did not and still do not want any sort of democracy in Middle East, and they will not support any such movement, nor will Europe, because that will mean that governments would have at least partially follow the will of the nations. This is why Arab (and not only) nations have to take their fate in their own hands. because Arabs and all other people of the world do deserve freedom and decent lives. So does Palestinians.

There is no accident in the fact that USA support Israel so extensively for decades now, and it is not that USA likes Israel so much that they are worried about them so much, no way...... Powerful Israel in the middle of Arab countries prevents them from united policy, this is still the policy of divide and rule that was mastered by British Empire, sometimes the policy of the stick (more often) and the carrot, but always a policy, no accidents. It is called realpolitik, the policy based on power and practical issues rather than moral ones, which means: Palestinians can starve and die (so can Tibetans for example) as long as interests of USA are preserved...... or shall I say interests of global companies rather, because it does not look at all that any recent administration or government really represents the people that gave them the power.

If Arabs want to be really independent they have to be strong, as it was put more than clearly by Henry Kissinger.

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